Real Ponchos has existed as the band it is today since about 2010. But we’ve been playing and making music together in Vancouver since our days as loners and stoners in high school. We keep going because we love this music and playing together feels right. You could say our first record, Since I Let You Go, is like a heartbroken drive through the mountains. We took that trip a little deeper with our next record, To The Dusty World, and then washed up on a sepia-toned beach for our recent record, Sunshine. Warmth and gratitude.

Upcoming shows:
March 26, 2020 - Vancouver, BC - Wise Hall - Release show for new song “Hannya Shingyo” with The Moonlight Years - 830pm, $15 at the door
March 28, 2020 - Victoria, BC - Rubber Boot Club - Release show for new song “Hannya Shingyo” with As The Crow Flies - 8pm, $15 at the door
Past Shows:
October 5, 2019 - Gibsons, BC - High Beam Dreams - Playing our new record “Sunshine” live on the Sunshine Coast - benefit show for local charities